Sometimes I read about analyses of different paintings and wonder. Is that what the artist was trying to convey? Do most paintings have a deep and serious meaning? Do I want a picture on my wall that makes me think too much?
Or do I want something that makes me feel good?
I painted this garden scene, which I have called The Great Escape, just because it makes me feel good.
Watching petals being blown on the wind like confetti it suddenly seemed like the flowers were trying to escape the bounds of their garden bed and fly off full of life.
This is a fun painting to do, here's how
You will need good thick watercolour paper and good quality artist's paints.
Soak your paper and stick with gummed tape to a board. Allow to dry.
Wet your paper all over. Using a bright yellow, lay a wash all over the paper. Using a hake or wash brush touch in very strong washes of blue and green at the bottom and sides leaving the central area from the top down to the middle just yellow. Now lift your board and tip to one side to let the washes run and merge, then tip to the other side. Finally raise the top of the board to allow the washes to move downwards. Mop up the excess with kitchen towel as you go.
Lay the board flat and sprinkle salt over the darker areas to create texture.
Leave to dry for a couple of days.
Using small brushes work over the bottom half of the painting using the texture created to inspire the forms to paint. I "took my brush for a walk" letting it lead the way to create random flower like impressions.
In the lighter areas paint loose flowers in the colours you have used. make some seem edge on and some facing away or towards you. Make them smaller and paler as you move up the sheet.
Add any finishing touches that you like to make the picture all yours :-)
I'd love to see the results if you have a go.
Happy Creating
Janice x