For this project you will need
2 x head pins
2 x daisy spacer beads
2 x seed beads
2 x focal beads
2 x ear hooks/wires.
Round nosed pliers
1. On to your head pin thread one daisy spacer and one focal bead.
2. Bend the head pin to ninety degrees over the tip of your pliers.
3. Add the seed bead, threading carefully round the bend. Cut the head pin to 1cm after the bend.
4. Hold the very end of the head pin with your pliers as shown, bead pointing down.
5. Now roll the pin over the pliers ( or roll the pliers towards the bead if you prefer).....
...... until the tip of the pin meets itself, forming the loop. ( note that I have left off the seed bead to make the photography easier )
6. Open the loop you have formed slightly sideways as you would a jump ring, and thread on your ear hook. Close the loop giving a couple of wiggles back and forth to work harden.
Now make your second one in the same way and you have a simple pair of earrings to wear any time.
TOP TIP When making your loops, you want the end of the head pin to meet at the bend. To do this you need to roll the pin at the right place on your pliers. On mine it's about half way down, but not all pliers are the same. To find the spot on yours, thread on a 5mm jump ring and see where it sits. Your ring should be rolled at a position about half way between there and the end of your pliers. Try it a couple of times before you make your project to get the feel for it.
Happy Crafting and I would love to see what you make :)
Nice tutorial. I love making jewellery, and earrings are amongst the simplest things to make, second only to elastic wire bracelets I think.