
Thursday, 4 April 2013

Laugh in the Face of Fear.

I'm starting writing this post without a title because I want to think of one that is upbeat and forward looking and it just hasn't come to me yet. Possibly because I have reached a very scary point in getting my business off the ground.

Maybe I should explain a little back ground first and then let you know where I'm at and the current dilemma.
I've been crafting for many years, making clothes for myself at Uni, later for my children, painting, paper crafts and so on. It was a way to save money and an enjoyable past time.
As the children grew up I started to use this hobby to make a little money on craft stalls and by working freelance as a designer, demonstrating for a well known craft materials company. It meant I could go to work part time and be at home for the children as much as possible. Things were going nicely until we had to move back to Wales. I could no longer continue demonstrating and so went into full time work. It was a strenuous job with a strange working pattern and long hours. Thoughts of earning a living at my beloved crafting were put to the back of my mind.

Last year saw everything change. I was made reduntant in May and my partner in June. Fortunately my partner got a new job straight away and I spent the next couple of months packing and moving. I got a 12 week Lab job to cover while someone was off after an operation, from the end of September. Since then, the beginning of December, I have been working towards getting a business running. Without the safety net of a part time job.

Hand painted Swarovski Crystals
Now, I have suddenly got the colly-wobbles. I am unsure whether I will succeed, can I reach a big enough market for my work, will I be able to settle to a sensible ratio of work hours to free time? Will the business start to earn before financial pressures force me back to finding a job? Is the economic climate going to strangle the fledgling at birth? It is a fear that has kept me in work for years.

I have to beat this fear. It makes every sale harder because it comes across in everything you do. It eats away at your confidence and suddenly, the tasks that are easy and enjoyable become hard work and the tasks that were hard work become insurmountable obstacles.

How am I going to do that? My strategy this time is to take one small step. Find one new outlet, a new group of people seeing my work. Next week find another one. Get an honest friend to look over what I'm doing and give some constructive advice. Look back at the positive progress I've made so far. Laugh in the face of fear!

I know I'm not the only one to have this kind of fear, of feeling insecure. I know some people who positively thrive on it.
Have you had this experience? How did you fight through it? I would love to hear your story!

Janice x


  1. Thank you for posting this, Janice. I love your attitude regarding laughter. Laughing at my fears has been a source of strength for me and I often lean towards it in trying times.

    I still work through and fight my fears of making a living from creative expression. I just remind myself that life is like a dance, one step forward and one step back. Keeps me moving!

  2. I understand the fear, I think each new business owner does. Its the fear that keeps you going and fighting. Don't overlook the motivation it gives you. I think you have solid ideas for moving ahead and growing. Good luck!

  3. Love the birds and butterflies! Welcome, spring, and the promise of a new start!

    Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Challenge FB group.

    Happy A-Z!

    D is for Dog Bites

  4. Good luck with your new business, go get 'em! x

  5. It's such a tough economic climate all over, Janice, and I can understand your reluctance to take risks with your livelihood! But maybe you've hit on something . . . baby steps . . . one little step at a time may be your answer. Good luck, and I hope your dreams are fulfilled!


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