
Thursday, 14 March 2013

Of Laptops and Allotments

Hi everyone, hope you are having a good week :)
I was hoping to have posted more on here but ended up computerless.
My laptop gave up the ghost after many months of suffering.
A quick dash to my Son in Law sorted the immediate problem for me - removal of the hard drive to an external box and plug into my desk top. Purchase of a Wifi dongle connected me back online. Sorted.

Today I thought I would be on earlier, but my order from Victoriana Nurseries arrived. I have bought some plum trees that needed heeling in till I can get to plant them properly, and some chinese artichokes (otherwise known as Crosnes) which needed immediate attention as they were sprouting quite well. They are now in 28 separate little pots waiting to move to the allotment.

This is our first year for the allotment. We took ownership of it late last year so we have some digging to do :)
We are planning quite a bit of stuff including lots of fruit, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, broccoli.... and those Chinese artichokes. They are incredibly strange looking but apparently served at exclusive restaurants. Guess that's why I haven't seen them before ;)
So, if you don't see me for a while, you know where I am!


  1. It is such a pain when technology goes wrong. I had the same problem with my laptop yesterday! Glad your'e back. You certainly are going to be kept busy! Enjoy x

  2. A lot of hard work ahead, but the end results are worth it. Good luck with the allotment.

    Sylvia xx
    Crafty Bloggers Network Design Team

  3. I had the same trouble with my lappy and ended up getting a new one. I also have a desktop computer in my craft room. Good luck with your project, hubby has started planting in our little veg plot too.

    Linda xxx

  4. Good luck with your allotment, I really would like some warm weather to tempt me into my garden.

  5. Enjoy..... see you when you get back Sweetie x


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