
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Bunch of Grapes earrings tutorial.

Welcome back to Tuesday Tutorial. That's as much a message for me as for you, I keep getting caught up in things to do on a Tuesday. Today I should have been off to visit my Mum, but she phoned to say the weather was bad so here I am instead :)

This set of earrings looks really complicated, but it is very straight forward, needing just one technique - turning a loop on a headpin. This item will give you lots of practice at that :)

You will need

30 beads, 10 each of 3 sizes eg 3mm,4mm,5mm
2 x 2.5" chain. Make sure the loops are big enough to thread 2 head pins into and have at least 9 links in 2.5 inches.
30 x Headpins
2 x 5mm jump rings
2 x ear hooks.

1. Thread all your beads onto individual headpins, bend the headpin to a right angle and turn a loop. Instructions on this are here,
Separate your beads into 2 sets with 5small, 5medium and 5 of your largest beads in each.

2. Starting with one set of beads take a small bead, open the loop slightly, thread on to the last link of your chain and close the loop.

3. In the same way thread the next TWO beads, both small onto the next link in the chain.

4. Add two more of the small beads to the next link. You now have the five small beads added

5. Continue in the same way, adding first the medium then the large beads. Note that you will have a link with one large and one medium bead.

6. Add a jump ring to the last link in your chain and an ear hook to the jump ring. Close the ring.

7. Repeat to make your second earring.

These are a great design that is so easy to alter to your own style. Use spikey beads for a punky look, lots of colours for a Mardi Gras style, or soften up with dusky pinks and greens for a vintage feel.  Once you have made these, why not try bracelets or necklaces (start in the middle of your chain with these for graduated sizes) adding a clasp at one end of the chain and a jump ring at the other (7.5" approx for bracelet, 20" approx for necklace)

Hope you enjoy trying this and I would love to see what you make. If you send me a picture I would be happy to add it here :)

Happy Crafting


PS My website could do with some love here


  1. Beautiful earrings. I'm so glad that there are those of you who are talented enough to make these beautiful things and share them with the rest of us.

  2. These are beautiful earrings Janice.

    Linda xxx

  3. These are gorgeous. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I bet these would look lovely with a range of pastel colours for the summer.

    Thank you for the love you leave on my blog. I am now a follower.

    Hugs Lisa xxxxx

  4. What fabulous earrings, thanks for the tutorial, agree with Lisa, would love to see what they look like in different colours x

  5. These are fabulous - thanks for sharing!

  6. Wow! These are stunning, thank you for sharing xxx

  7. These earings are absolutely stunning Janice.
    Lorraine xx

  8. Gorgeous earrings and an easy to follow set of instructions.


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